
     #2019美丽亚洲之印度春季影展#体验了“椰风蕉影”中的《艾特熊和赛娜鼠2:吉波利塔之旅》,片名是多么有冲击力,没想到是如此平静的一部电影,吉他是遥不可及的梦想,生活是琐碎艰难的现实,为了赚钱去摘槟榔,洪水过后划着船割稻苗,少女长成的仪式,都是很深刻的画面,拍出了童年往事的感觉,很真实也很丰富,很开心能遇到这样的电影.     憎恨自己的身体,编织出憎恨然后焚毁;不甘他人的别恋,编织出不甘随他入殓.     禁止投食的告示并不能阻止人们喂鱼,我不爱他的执念也无法停滞震天心跳.     究其一生,我们都在努力接近真实的自我,缝补心灵上的残缺.     你有如此漫长的一生,足以去修正上帝的谬误;你也只有短短的一瞬,去拥抱触不可及的幸福.     The new film, “A Trip to Gibberitia” (“Le Voyage en Charabie”), is an original story from Guillaume Mautalent and Sebastien Oursel, though it is still based on the IP and characters of the original books. It’s described as a new adventure that takes Ernest and Celestine back to Ernest’s country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned there for many years – and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears..



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